FIU School of Architecture Shines on CBS Saturday Morning: Pioneering Resilient Designs for South Florida’s Future

2024-06-07T01:04:46+00:00June 7th, 2024|Categories: Architecture, CBS, Technology|

Our nationally ranked FIU School of Architecture research faculty and students’ impactful work was highlighted this past weekend on CBS Saturday Morning News. Featuring the innovative work of our Robotics + Digital Fabrication Lab, our Doctor of Design students, and our renowned faculty. Professor Thomas Spiegelhalter’s architecture students at FIU School of Architecture are studying how rising sea levels will affect the future of South Florida infrastructures during the hurricane season. In his interview with CBS, he explained how his students are using artificial intelligence to plan future cities, including design scenarios of floating and stilt buildings with resilient green-blue infrastructures from now to the year 2100. These designs show metropolises and structures that mimic natural shapes to withstand future hurricane storms and impact from erosion. The Robotics and Digital Fabrication Lab, directed by Dr. Shahin Vassigh, is dedicated to advancing the built environment through technological innovation. Dr. Vassigh [...]