Climate Resilient Urban Nexus Choices for Carbon Positive City Scenarios
Spiegelhalter, Th.; Levente, J. “Climate Resilient Urban Nexus Choices for Carbon Positive City Scenarios” Architectural Research Centers Consortium ARCC-EAAE 2022 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN MIAMI, RESILIENT CITY and Journal Publication: Physical, Social, and Economic Perspectives, March 2022, Miami, hosted by FIU, ARCC-EAAE 2022: Resilient City, March 2-5, 2022.
Carbon Positive Island High-Rise Clusters
Book: CRUNCH DESIGN RESEARCH – Food, Water, Energy Nexus. Volume 4 – Carbon Positive Island High-Rise Clusters, Author Thomas Spiegelhalter, pp. 230, 1a Edizione 2020, Nuova Serie di Architettura, FrancoAngeli, Milano (ISBN: 9788891792, TBA), published in September 2021 for the Venice Biennale Event or later, TBA.
Methods for in Silico Environmental Resilience, 2019 to 2100.
Spiegelhalter, Thomas; Werner, Liss C. “Methods for in Silico Environmental Resilience, 2019 to 2100.” Sustainable Built Environment D-A-CH Conference – Built Environment within Planetary Boundaries, sbe22 Berlin. Hosted by Natural Building Lab of TU Berlin in cooperation with KIT Karlsruhe, ETH Zürich (Swiss) and TU Graz (Austria), Sept. 2022.
Genetic Water-Energy-Food Nexus Design Research for Miami’s Greater Islands
Thomas Spiegelhalter, Levente Juhaz, Book: CRUNCH 2018-202 – Book Chapter: “Genetic Water-Energy-Food Nexus Design Research for Miami’s Greater Islands – Climate Resilient Urban Nexus Choices (CRUNCH) – Scripting and Coding AI-ML’s.” Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Book, US. Edited by Claire Coulter, Alessandro Melis, and Julia Brown, UK, published 2022.
CRUNCH DESIGN RESEARCH – Food, Water, Energy Nexus. Volume 3 – Carbon Positive 2020-2100
Book: CRUNCH DESIGN RESEARCH – Food, Water, Energy Nexus. Volume 3 – Carbon Positive 2020-2100, Author Thomas Spiegelhalter, pp. 230, 1a Edizione 2020, Nuova Serie di Architettura, FrancoAngeli, Milano (ISBN: 9788891792921), published. Link to publisher and project authors:
International Conference: 27th World Congress of Architects (Union of Architects/UIA)
Thomas Spiegelhalter & Levente Juhasz. Srikanth Namuduri: International Conference: 27th World Congress of Architects (Union of Architects/UIA):
“Genetic Water-Energy-Food Nexus Design Research for Miami’s Greater Islands – Climate Resilient Urban Nexus Choices (CRUNCH), and Scripting,” International Proceedings. Volume Editors UIA-ACSA, ISBN
978-1-944214-31-9, 2021.
You can read more about this publication here: HERE
Net-Zero High-Rises
CRUNCH DESIGN RESEARCH – Food, Water, Energy Nexus. Volume 2 – Net-Zero High-Rises, Author Thomas Spiegelhalter, pp. 188, 1a Edizione 2021, Nuova Serie di Architettura, FrancoAngeli, Milano (ISBN: 9788835111177), published.
The book can be found HERE
Food, Water, Energy Nexus. Volume 1
CRUNCH DESIGN RESEARCH – Food, Water, Energy Nexus. Volume 1 – Urban Hybrids, Authors Thomas Spiegelhalter, Darren Ockert pp. 188, 1a Edizione 2020, Nuova Serie di Architettura, FrancoAngeli, Milano (ISBN: 9788891792921), published.
The book can be found HERE
Carbon-Positive Synthetical Biological Architecture Imaginations for Miami Greater Islands 2021-2100
Carbon-Positive Synthetical Biological Architecture Imaginations for Miami Greater Islands 2021-2100. Endless loop video installation for La Biennale di Venezia Event: The three-year Climate Resilient Urban Nexus CHoices (CRUNCH) Research Exhibition at Biennale di Venezia on 24th of September. 2021.
You can read more about it HERE
w will we live together in the future?
FIU-News: How will we live together in the future? Architecture faculty, students present innovative ideas at 2021 Venice Biennale
Architecture professors and dozens of students will exhibit their work at one of the most prestigious international architecture events in the world Arts & Culture by Tatianna Basanta, June 3, 2021 at 11:40am
Thepublication can be found HERE
Carbon-Neutral-Campus Building: Design Versus Retrofitting of Two University Zero Energy Buildings in Europe and in the United States
Del Borghi, A.(1); Spiegelhalter, T.(2) ; Moreschi, L.; Gallo,M. “Carbon-Neutral-Campus Building: Design Versus Retrofitting of Two University Zero Energy Buildings in Europe and in the United States.” 1. Department of Civil Chemical and Environmental Engineering, DICCA, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy. 2. Miami Beach Urban Studios, College of Architecture and the Arts, Florida International University, Miami, USA. Sustainability 2021, 13, 9023.
The publication can be found HERE
Generative and synthetic biological design imaginations for the Miami Bay area
Thomas Spiegelhalter, Alfredo Andia, Juhasz Levente, Srikanth Namuduri. Book Chapter: “Generative and synthetic biological design imaginations for the Miami Bay area.” The 38th eCAADe Conference – Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe conference on Anthropologic – Architecture, and Fabrication in the cognitive age… From smart to behavioral… From digital to material, Technical University Berlin, page 11- 20, September 2020.
The publication can be found HERE
A smart village model for the Italian coastal territory and Considerations on Sea Level Rise and the Future of Our Coastal Cities
Lepratti C.1, Morbiducci R. 1, Spiegelhalter T. 2, Vite C. 1
1 University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
2 Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA.
Presentation at the United Nations on Climate Change Conference, COP26 in Glasgow: “A smart village model for the Italian coastal territory and Considerations on Sea Level Rise and the Future of Our Coastal Cities, November 2021.
Environmental Governance for Climate Resilience Conference
International “Environmental Governance for Climate Resilience Conference” at National Taiwan University with Alessandro Melis and others (See conference agenda). Contribution was on “THE TRIGGERING EXAMPLE OF MIAMI, FLORIDA.” Nov. 10th-11th, 2020. GIS convention centre, Fudeken restoration park, Taiwan.
Post-parametric Automation in Design and Construction
Book Information Automation, a mixture of algorithms, robots, software, and avatars, is transforming all types of jobs and industries. This book responds to one critical question for the design and construction industry: “how are architects, engineers, and contractors using information technology to further automate their practices?” Addressing the use of new digital technologies, particularly parametric automation for design and construction in the building industry, this book looks at how technologically advanced architectural and engineering practices are semi-automating their design processes by using sophisticated algorithms to transform their workflows
The book can be found HERE
Adaptation to climate change and resource efficiency
This report presents the activities developed jointly in 2015 between the group of INGEO Department (Engineering and Geology of the University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti and Pescara) and the College Architecture of the Florida International University. The comparison is intended to develop operational strategies that can foreshadow a comprehensive set of responses to the changed system performance requirements, with the definition of new design approaches, new methods of procedure, new design processes, new attitudes towards environmental issues.
Professor Spiegelhalter with Prof. Renata Morbiducci, Prof. Christiano Lepratti participating at COP26 in Glasgow
Professor Spiegelhalter with Prof. Renata Morbiducci, Prof. Christiano Lepratti are participating at the United Nations on Climate Change Conference, COP26 in Glasgow presenting the following projects in November 2021: - A smart village model for the Italian coastal territory Morbiducci R., Morini A., Vite C. (University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy, - Considerations on Sea Level Rise and the Future of Our Coastal Cities C. Lepratti, R. Morbiducci, C. Vita (University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy) T. Spiegelhalter (Florida International University, [...]
Floating Houses – Arkup Leads The Way With Sustainable Floating Homes In Miami
The CRUNCH Miami research team and a group of graduate architectuire students from FIU's School of Architecture toured the first floating house from Arkup and met with co-founder Nicolas Derouin on Star Island in Miami Beach. The sustainable floating house produces its own energy and harvests its own water. This first built example of the Arkup concept features a luxury home for a single family. However, Nicolas has plans to repurpose the modular house to [...]